Comparison of two formulations of intravenous lipid emulsions in pediatric intestinal failure.

Naik M; Lawrence A; Davidson A; Chapman J; Ferguson D; Speer AL; Imseis E
Pediatric Surgery International.

Report on a retrospective chart review over one year of pediatric patients with intestinal failure who received soybean oil lipid emulsion or mixed oil lipid emulsion.

Pancytopenia related to acquired sea-blue histiocytosis during chronic parenteral nutrition.

Bourrienne MC; Ben Salah I; de Raucourt E; Debus J; Billiauws L; Cazals-Hatem D; Joly F; Trichet C
American Journal of Hematology.

Case study of a man on long-term parenteral nutrition with extensive short-bowel intestinal resection, referred for investigation of pancytopenia.

Body composition after implementation of an enhanced parenteral nutrition protocol in the neonatal intensive care unit: a randomised pilot trial.

Nagel EM; Super J; Marka NA; Demerath EW; Ramel SE
Annals of Human Biology

The aim was to determine associations between provision of an early enhanced parenteral nutrition protocol or standard parenteral nutrition protocol and growth and body composition for very low birthweight preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Nutritional care pathways in cancer patients with malignant bowel obstruction: A retrospective multi-centre study.

Patel PS; Fragkos K; Keane N;
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

We examined differences in nutritional care pathways and outcomes, by referral to nutrition team for parenteral nutrition in patients with malignant bowel obstruction.

Association between energy delivery from parenteral nutrition and refeeding syndrome in hospitalized adults: A retrospective cohort study.

Apiromruck N; Kano H; Taemkaew K; Ingviya T; Intusoma U; Churuangsuk C
Journal of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition.

This study determined refeeding syndrome prevalence in hospitalized adults on parenteral nutrition and evaluated whether higher energy delivered by parenteral nutrition on day 1 of parenteral nutrition initiation was associated with refeeding syndrome development.

Glucose turnover at whole-body and skeletal muscle level in response to parenteral nutrition in male patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis.

Trinh B; Rasmussen Rinnov A; Winning Iepsen U; Winding Munch G; Munch Winding K; Lauridsen C; Gluud LL; van Hall G; Ellingsgaard H
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

Glucose kinetics at whole-body and skeletal muscle level in patients with cirrhosis were studied during parenteral nutrition using the isotope dilution technique and arteriovenous balance approach across the leg.

Assessment of clinical outcome after sudden alteration of home parenteral nutrition program from customised to commercially premixed admixtures. Experience with short bowel syndrome treatment.

Matysiak K; Szewczuk M; Napierala A; Nowak K; Olijarczyk R; Siatkowski I
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

The study evaluates the mid-term clinical outcome in a group of patients with short bowel syndrome after a sudden change in the type of home parenteral nutrition programs from customized to commercially premixed admixtures.

Epidemiology of home enteral and parenteral nutrition in adults: Comprehensive national data.

Buhl ND; Bourry J; Seguy D; Lescut D
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

The paper presents a literature review concerning published national data on epidemiology of both home enteral nutrition and home parenteral nutrition for different countries.

Role of ultrasound in the nutritional assessment of critically ill patients.

Hernandez-Socorro CR; Ruiz-Santana S
Medicina Intensiva.

This study examined the loss of mass and function in various muscles, and as we expected, the use of ultrasound began to be standardized in critically ill patients.

Exclusive Enteral Nutrition Mediates Beneficial Gut Microbiome Enrichment in Acute Severe Colitis.

Bajaj A; Markandey M; Singh M; Sahu P; Vuyyuru SK; Kante B; Kumar P; Verma M; Makharia G; Kedia S; Travis SPL; Ahuja V
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

This study investigates exclusive enteral nutrition-driven gut microbial alterations in patients with acute severe ulcerative colitis and examines their correlations with clinical parameters.