Acute pancreatitis and recurrent acute pancreatitis: an exploration of clinical and etiologic factors and outcomes.

Fonseca Sepulveda EV; Guerrero-Lozano R.
Jornal de Pediatria.

Description of the epidemiology and clinical features of acute pancreatitis and recurrent acute pancreatitis in children.

Risk Factors for Late-Onset Sepsis in Preterm Infants: A Multicenter Case-Control Study.

El Manouni El Hassani S; Berkhout DJC; Niemarkt HJ; Mann S; de Boode WP; Cossey V; Hulzebos CV; van Kaam AH; Kramer BW; van Lingen RA; van Goudoever JB; Vijlbrief DC; van Weissenbruch MM; Benninga MA; de Boer NKH; de Meij TGJ.

The aim was to identify risk factors for Late-onset sepsis.

Fragmented management of long-term parenteral support for adult intestinal failure in Finland.

Pohju A; Pakarinen MP; Sipponen T.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology.

This nationwide study aimed to evaluate current management of parenteral support for adult intestinal failure patients.

Management of postoperative chylous ascites after surgery for ovarian cancer: a single-institution experience.

Scaletta G; Quagliozzi L; Cianci S; Vargiu V; Mele MC; Scambia G; Fagotti A.
Updates in Surgery.

In this study, we aimed to identify the management of patients with postoperative chylous ascites being treated for ovarian cancer.

Successful management of ultra short bowel syndrome in an elderly patient.

Hayes C; Khan W; Barry K.
BMJ Case Reports.

A patient underwent resection of most of small bowel makes a remarkable recovery and is transitioned from TPN dependence in an acute hospital setting to discharge, relying on partial parenteral nutrition.

Enteral Versus Parenteral Nutrition: Use in Adult Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.

Reese MK; Hewlings S.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.

Evaluation of the current evidence comparing enteral nutrition to parenteral nutrition in the adult hematopoietic stem cell transplantation population.

Ketogenic parenteral nutrition in three paediatric patients with epilepsy with migrating focal seizures.

Armeno M; Verini A; Araujo MB; Reyes G; Caraballo RH.
Epileptic Disorders.

We present our experience with three patients who had been on the ketogenic diet because of epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures who were acutely unable to absorb nutrients through the intestinal tract.

Characteristics and Outcomes of Critical Illness in Children With Feeding and Respiratory Technology Dependence.

Heneghan JA; Reeder RW; Dean JM; Meert KL; Berg RA; Carcillo J; Newth CJL; Dalton H; Tamburro R; Pollack MM.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

We hypothesized that children with dependence on respiratory or feeding technologies are at increased risk of critical illness-related morbidity and mortality. A secondary analysis of prospective, probability-sampled cohort study of children was performed to test the theory.

The Long Road to the Development of Effective Therapies for the Short Gut Syndrome: A Personal Perspective.

Jeppesen PB.
Digestive Diseases & Sciences.

This review reflects on the history of developments for patients with temporary and inadequate
intestinal absorptive capacity or for patients with chronic intestinal failure due to digestive diseases.
with current practice and future directions.

Wernicke's encephalopathy due to malnutrition and parenteral nutrition in a patient with cerebral infarction: A case report.

Lian X; Wu M; Fan H; Zhang Y; Sun P.

We report a rare case of cerebral infarction patient who developed Wernicke's encephalopathy due to malnutrition and parenteral nutrition.