Recurrent Hyperammonemia During Enteral Tube Feeding for Severe Protein Malnutrition After Bariatric Surgery.

Hendrikx L; Brandts H; van Borren M; de Boer H.
Obesity Surgery.

The causes and treatments of hyperammonemia during tube feeding are discussed.

Effect of regional arterial infusion combined with early enteral nutrition on severe acute pancreatitis.

Wang X; Xu J; Li J; Cheng Y; Liu L; Du Z.
Journal of International Medical Research.

The aim was to measure the therapeutic effects of regional arterial infusion, combined with early enteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis.

Assessment of Intestinal Failure Associated Liver Disease according to different diagnostic criteria.

Sasdelli AS; Agostini F; Pazzeschi C; Guidetti M; Lal S; Pironi L.
Clinical Nutrition.

Evaluation of the prevalence, incidence, evolution of Intestinal failure associated liver disease diagnosed by different criteria and assess any clinical features that may be associated with its occurrence.

Home parenteral nutrition and employment in patients with intestinal failure: Factors associated with return to employment.

Samuel M; Adaba F; Askari A; Maeda Y; Duffus J; Small M; Vaizey CJ; Warusavitarne J; Nightingale JMD; Gabe SM.
Clinical Nutrition.

The study's aim was to determine the effect of Home parenteral nutrition on employment and factors associated with the likelihood of maintaining or returning to employment.

Comparing the risk of bloodstream infections by type of parenteral nutrition preparation method: A large retrospective, observational study.

Banko D; Rosenthal N; Chung J; Lomax C; Washesky PF.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

The study's aims are to assess differences in risk of blood stream infection, cost, and clinical outcomes among patients receiving multi-chamber bag parenteral nutrition products only, multi-chamber bag with additions, and compounded parenteral nutrition products, from seven years of data from US hospitals.

The addition of insulin to home parenteral nutrition for the control of hyperglycaemia: A case series.

McCulloch A; Bansiya V; Woodward JM.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

A report on the use of insulin added to parenteral nutrition in the homecare setting in a series of 4 patients spanning 39 patient years.

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding is beneficial in patients with advanced dementia.

Rakici H; Ayvaz MA.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

We aimed to show the results of patients who received percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes and to evaluate the usefulness of this method in advanced dementia patients.

Early intervention with supplemental parenteral nutrition reduces the incidence of granulocytopenia-related infections in patients with lung cancer: a retrospective cohort study.

Qi X; Qi C; Wu T; Qin B; Hu Y.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Study to determine the optimal timing for initiating supplemental parenteral nutrition in chemotherapy-induced severe granulocytopenia in patients with lung cancer.

Predictive value of the aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index for parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis in extremely low birth weight infants.

Hwang JH; Chung ML.
BMC Pediatrics.

Evaluation of the predictive value of aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index for PNAC in
extremely low birth weight infants.

Does infusion time affect the retention of parenteral trace elements?

Ferrie S.
British Journal of Nutrition.

This study compared urinary losses after a fast, 1-hour infusion to a slow, 10 hour trace elements infusion.