Increased Force Required With Proposed Standardized Enteral Feed Connector in Blenderized Tube Feeding.

Mundi MS; Epp L; Hurt RT.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Evaluation for the development of new international design standards for medical device tubing connectors.

Factors influencing decision regret regarding placement of a PEG among substitute decision-makers of older persons in Japan: a prospective study.

Kuraoka Y; Nakayama K.
BMC Geriatric.

The objective of this study was to explore the factors that influence decision regret among substitute decision-makers using a decision aid for PEG placement.

Effect of hypocaloric normoprotein or trophic feeding versus target full enteral feeding on patient outcomes in critically ill adults: a systematic review. [Review]

Phan KA; Dux CM; Osland EJ; Reade MC.
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care

Evaluation of clinical outcomes reported in studies comparing hypocaloric normonitrogenous or trophic feeding targeted full energy feeding administered via enteral nutrition to adult critically ill patients.

The nutritional intake of elderly patients with dysphagia admitted to the internal medical department of the emergency hospital was analyzed...

Niwano M.
Japanese Journal of Geriatrics

The goal of this study was to analyze if the route of nutrition affected the patient discharge rates.

An analysis of prognostic factors after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement in Japanese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Nagashima K; Furuta N; Makioka K; Fujita Y; Ikeda M; Ikeda Y.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences

Investigation of the risk factors for early death and the survival after PEG placement.

Swallowing performance and tube feeding status in patients treated with parotid-sparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.

Roe JW; Carding PN; Drinnan MJ; Harrington KJ; Nutting CM.
Head & Neck

A prospective study to evaluate the swallowing performance of patients with head and neck cancer treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy.

Early, rapidly progressive enteral nutrition promotes growth of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants.

Flidel-Rimon O; Raz M; Balla U; Hofi L; Juster-Reicher A; Shinwell ES.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

The effects of a quality improvement program for promotion of improved postnatal nutrition on the growth of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants.

Bolus feeding has no effect on cerebral hemodynamics, irrespective of gestational age.

Bembich S; Cont G; Bua J; Orlando C; Di Benedetto D; Demarini S.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

A study to see if gestational age has any influence on preterm cerebral hemodynamics during bolus feeding.

Effect of prophylactic indomethacin administration and early feeding on spontaneous intestinal perforation in extremely low-birth-weight infants.

Stavel M; Wong J; Cieslak Z; Sherlock R; Claveau M; Shah PS.
Journal of Perinatology

The effect of concomitant administration of prophylactic indomethacin and early enteral feeds on the risk of spontaneous intestinal perforation in extremely low-birth-weight
infants and variation in regimen across Canada.

Effects of a Novel Nutritional Formula Enriched With Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid Specially Developed for Tube-Fed Hemodialysis Patients.

Esaki S; Iwahori MT; Takagi Y; Wada T; Morita S; Sonoki H; Nakao T
Journal of Renal Nutrition

The effects of a nutritional formula enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid versus docosahexaenoic acid in tube-fed bedridden hemodialysis patients.