Enteral immunonutrition versus enteral nutrition for gastric cancer patients undergoing a total gastrectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Cheng Y; Zhang J; Zhang L; Wu J; Zhan Z.
BMC Gastroenterology.

Assessment of the impact of enteral immunonutrition for patients with gastric cancer on biochemical, immune indices and clinical outcomes.

Critical Weight Loss in Patients With Oropharynx Cancer During Radiotherapy (+/- Chemotherapy).

Vangelov B; Venchiarutti RL; Smee RI.
Nutrition & Cancer.

Investigation if predictors of critical weight loss in oropharynx cancer patients exist to guide nutritional intervention.

Effects of two different glutamine-containing enteral supplements on stool frequency and density in elderly patients recovering from acute critical illness.

Fushimi N; Yamada M; Hachiya H; Ito S; Shibuya T; Ohashi N; Mori A.
Geriatrics & gerontology international.

Investigation of the effect of two different glutamine supplements on bowel movement at the initiation of enteral feeding in elderly patients.

Oncological and functional outcomes of postoperative total parenteral nutrition after radical cystectomy in bladder cancer patients: A single-center randomized trial.

Vidal A; Arnold N; Vartolomei MD; Kiss B; Burkhard F; Thalmann GN; Roth B.
International Journal of Urology.

Evaluate the long-term oncological and functional outcomes of postoperative total parenteral nutrition after
radical cystectomy.

Intractable hyperemesis gravidarum in a patient with type 1 diabetes.

Arshad MF; Javed N; Bekhit M.
BMJ Case Reports.

Case report of a pregnant woman with coexisting type 1 diabetes, who had severe hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy and was resistant to all treatments.

Effects of cyclic parenteral nutrition on parenteral-associated liver dysfunction parameters.

Arenas Villafranca JJ; Nieto Guindo M; Alvaro Sanz E; Moreno Santamaria M; Garrido Siles M; Abiles J.
Nutrition Journal.

Purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of cyclic parenteral nutrition in treating parenteral nutrition-associated liver dysfunction.

Bacteriological and Immunological Profiling of Meconium and Fecal Samples from Preterm Infants: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study.

Gomez M; Moles L; Espinosa-Martos I; Bustos G; de Vos WM; Fernandez L; Rodriguez JM; Fuentes S; Jimenez E.

The bacterial compositions of fecal samples, from 2-year-old infants were evaluated to assess the
evolution of the fecal microbiota of infants that were born preterm.

Pharmacokinetics of dabigatran etexilate and rivaroxaban in patients with short bowel syndrome requiring parenteral nutrition: The PDER PAN study.

Cheung YW; Barco S; Mathot RAA; van den Dool EJ; Stroobants AK; Serlie MJ; Middeldorp S; Coppens M.
Thrombosis Research. .

Pilot study of pharmacokinetics parameters of dabigatran etexilate and rivaroxaban in patients on parenteral nutrition for short bowel syndrome from phase I-III studies.

Teduglutide for the treatment of short bowel syndrome - a safety evaluation.

Kochar B; Herfarth HH.
Expert Opinion on Drug Safety.

Suggestions based on available limited data regarding safety in use of teduglutide in patients with intestinal failure, dependent upon parenteral support.

Enteral versus parenteral nutrition and enteral versus a combination of enteral and parenteral nutrition for adults in the intensive care unit

Lewis SR; Schofield-Robinson OJ; Alderson P; Smith AF.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Determination of the route of delivery that optimizes nutritional uptake.