Comparison of 2 Perioperative Management Protocols and Their Influence on Postoperative Recovery after Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: Standard Parenteral Nutrition, Selective Bowel Decontamination and Suprapubic

Elekonawo FMK; van der Meeren MMD; Simkens GA; de Wilt JHW; de Hingh IH; Bremers AJA.
Digestive Surgery.

Data on case-matched patients from a retrospective database of two Dutch Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy centers was compared.

Effects of two different lipid emulsions on antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation and parenteral nutrition-related cholestasis in premature babies, a randomized-controlled study.

Yildizdas HY; Poyraz B; Atli G; Sertdemir Y; Mert K; Ozlu F; Satar M.
Pediatrics & Neonatology.

Investigation of the effects of Olive oil-soybean oil and Fish oil/MCT/Olive oil/Soya oil lipid
preparations on cholestasis, levels of antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation.

Thrombotic and Infectious Risks of Parenteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Egberg MD; Galanko JA; Barnes EL; Kappelman MD.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

We aimed (1) to assess the frequency of parenteral nutrition use from 1997 and 2012 in hospitalized pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease, (2) to determine the risk of thrombus and infection associated with parenteral nutrition, and (3) to identify predictors of thrombus and infection in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease hospitalizations.

Impact of Implementation of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Model for Parenteral Nutrition Order Writing and Review on Competency, Attitudes, and Perceptions.

Solomon DM; Emery EZ; Kavelak HL; Pontiggia L; Hollands JM; Bingham AL.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice.

The purpose was to evaluate the impact of the educational program that aligns with the ASPEN model on parenteral nutrition competency, attitudes, and perceptions in a multidisciplinary system.

Wastage of standardised parenteral nutrition solution - a challenge for neonatal units.

Deshmukh M; Grzejszczyk J; Mehta S; Patole S.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine.

Evaluation of the waste of standardised parenteral nutrition solution in an NICU.

Quantitative analysis of cholesterol oxidation products and desmosterol in parenteral liposomal pharmaceutical formulations.

Wang C; Siriwardane DA; Jiang W; Mudalige T.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Report on the development of a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based analytical method for screening and quantitating cholesterol oxidation products present in four different liposomal parenteral pharmaceutical formulations.

Effects of soybean lipid infusion on triglyceride and unbound free fatty acid levels in preterm infants

Hegyi T; Kleinfeld A; Huber A; Weinberger B; Memon N; Joe Shih W; Carayannopoulos M; Oh W.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine.

The objective was to determine the plasma triglyceride and unbound free fatty acid levels in infants treated with soybean lipid, intralipid, infusion.

Acquired acrodermatitis enteropathica due to zinc-depleted parenteral nutrition.

Wiznia LE; Bhansali S; Brinster N; Al-Qaqaa YM; Orlow SJ; Oza V.
Pediatric Dermatology.

A case of acquired zinc deficiency in a patient admitted to a pediatric ICU for respiratory distress and atypical pneumonia.

Evaluation of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease in surgical infants for necrotizing enterocolitis.

Zeng S; Li X; Deng C; Li L; Guo C.

The purpose of the study was to determine factors associated with parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease in infants who underwent surgery for necrotizing enterocolitis and followed up the postoperative outcomes for long term parenteral nutrition.

Infectious complications in home parenteral nutrition: A long-term study with peripherally inserted central catheters, tunneled catheters, and ports.

Santacruz E; Mateo-Lobo R; Riveiro J; Nattero L; Vega-Pinero B; Lomba G; Sabido R; Carabana F; Arrieta FJ; Botella-Carretero JI.

An evaluation of the catheter-related complications of central venous catheters in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition .