Exposure of preterm neonates receiving total parenteral nutrition to phthalates and its impact on neurodevelopment at the age of 2 months.

This study assessed the exposure to phthalates of preterm neonates who received total parenteral nutrition during their stay in the neonatal intensive care unit and the risk of neurodevelopment delays at the age of 2 months.

Potential negative effect of total parenteral nutrition on the human circadian clock

We compared clock gene expression of aged subjects with or without total parenteral nutrition using hair follicle cells and found that while none of the non-total parenteral nutrition subjects showed any obvious defects in circadian rhythms of peripheral clock gene expression, a portion of aged subjects receiving continuous total parenteral nutrition showed abnormal circadian rhythms in peripheral clocks.

Nutritional Management of Short Bowel Syndrome

Newer generation intravenous lipid emulsions can be effective in preventing and treating intestinal failure-associated liver disease and prevention of infection to enhance bowel motility and prevent/mitigate bacteria overgrowth, Specialized multidisciplinary care can minimize injury to other organs such as the liver, kidneys, and the brain can assist in nutritional rehabilitation and lower the morbidity in short bowel syndrome.