Blenderized food tube feeding in very young pediatric patients with special healthcare needs

This is a retrospective, single-center study, medical records of very young children with severe developmental disabilities, comparing growth parameters, GI symptoms, oral feeding, and GI medication use between the initial introduction of blenderized tube feeding and again at the last patient encounter.

Adequate calorie and protein administration via enteral nutrition may contribute to improved 30-day survival in patients with solid tumors at nutritional risk.

This study investigates the receiving exclusive enteral nutrition, the relationship between inadequacy and unfavorable outcomes, and the impact of inadequate enteral nutrition administration on the survival of patients with cancer.

Enteral nutrition practice in the prone position in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: An international one-day point prevalence analysis.

We investigated the relationship between the duration of prone position therapy and adequacy of enteral nutrition delivery, exploring factors associated with this relationship in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 who were actively treated in the prone position.