The impact of targeted interventions aimed to improve quality of life in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition: A systematic literature review.

The aim was to evaluate the evidence on existing non-surgical/non pharmacological interventions aimed at improving quality-of-life, clinical, patient-reported and economic outcomes for patients receiving parenteral nutrition therapy at home across adult and pediatric settings.

Effect of sequential vs. non-sequential early enteral nutrition therapy on nutritional status, recovery, and quality of life of patients with esophageal cancer.

The objective was to study the effects of early sequential EN therapy and early non-sequential enteral nutrition therapy on the nutritional status, recovery, and quality of life of patients who undergo postoperative chemotherapy for esophageal cancer.

Addressing the unique needs and quality of life issues for adults receiving long-term home enteral nutrition.

Individuals and their families who require home enteral nutrition undergo major changes in family dynamics. They would benefit from an approach that provides ongoing nutrition, hydration, enteral access, and quality of life assessments from knowledgeable clinicians.